AdlOptica is an industry-leading manufacturer of laser beam shaping optics for a wide range of scientific and industrial applications from the UV to the IR. Headquartered in Berlin, Germany, AdlOptica develops high-efficiency beam shapers that transform Gaussian laser beam profiles to flat top profiles, which helps maximize laser system performance while minimizing loss. Edmund Optics® is proud to be the exclusive online distribution partner of AdlOptica πShapers.
Why Buy AdlOptica® Products from Edmund Optics®?
  Edmund Optics engineers, trained by AdlOptica, ready to help via phone, chat, or email   Large global inventory of in-stock AdlOptica products available for immediate shipping    Wide selection of complementary laser optics components
AdlOptica® Products
AdlOptica πShaper Flat Top Beam Shapers
Convert Gaussian Beam Profile to Flat Top Profile
Near 100% Efficiency
No Internal Focusing Enables High-Power Laser Input
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