- High Reflectivity and Negative Group Delay Dispersion (GDD)
- Ideal for Dispersion Compensation and Beam Compression @ 45° AOI
- Designs for Femtosecond Lasers, Including Ti:sapphire

- Ideal for Chirped-Pulse Amplifier Systems and Ultra-Broadband Laser Oscillators
- Ultra-Broadband Design Supports Dispersion Compensation
- Negative GDD as Low as -60fs2 and High Reflectivity (>99%) at 600 – 950nm or 650 – 1350nm

- Reflection >99.8% (P-polarization) at 720 – 840nm or 780 – 830nm
- Low Group Delay Dispersion at 5° or 20° AOIs
- Ideal for Pulse Compression of Ti:sapphire Ultrafast Lasers
- Low GDD Mirrors Also Available

- Highly Negative GDD up to -1000 fs2 at 7° AOI
- >99.8% Minimum Reflection across 60nm Bandwidth
- Ideal for Dispersion Compensation of Yb:doped Fiber Lasers
- Ultrafast Chirped Coating

- Negative GDD of -200 fs2 at 5° AOI
- >99.8% Reflection (p-polarization) between 950 - 1120nm
- Designed for Pulse Compression of Yb:doped Fiber Lasers
- Broadband Ultrafast Chirped Coating

- Reflectivity >99.9% Between 2000 - 2200nm
- GDD of -1000fs2 @ 5° AOI
- Ideal for <100fs Pulse Compression of Thulium and Holmium Lasers
- Broadband Ultrafast Chirped Coating

- >99.99% Reflectivity at 1030nm and 1064nm
- Laser Damage Threshold of 50 J/cm2 at 1064nm, 100Hz, 8ns
- Universal Designs for Nanosecond, Picosecond, and Femtosecond Laser Pulses
- Custom Options are Available up to 200mm Diameter

- Positive GDD up to 100fs2 at 5° AOI
- High Reflectance >99.5% for S and P Polarizations
- Broadband Performance for 700 - 1100nm
- Ultrafast Dispersion-Compensating Prisms Also Available

- Negative GDD of -145 fs2
- Angle of Incidence of 5° between 255 - 277nm
- Ideal for Pulse Compression or Dispersion Compensation of UV Ultrafast Laser Beams
- Unique UV Negative Dispersion Ultrafast Coating

- Ultrafast Highly-Dispersive Coating with Reduced Thermal Lensing
- Highly Negative GDD up to -1000 fs2 at 5° AOI
- >99.5% Minimum Reflection (P-Polarization) across 50nm Bandwidth
- Ideal for the Generation of High-Power Ultrafast Laser Pulses

- Positive GDD of 500 fs2 at 5° AOI
- >99.9% Minimum Reflection (P-Polarization)
- Broadband Mid-IR Coating Design Covers 2800 – 3600nm
- Ideal for Mid-IR Mode-Locked Lasers

- Highly Negative Third Order Dispersion (TOD) up to -2500fs3 at 7° AOI
- Ideal to Compensate for TOD without Introducing Additional GDD
- Low Group Delay Dispersion (GDD) of 0fs2
- II-VI LightSmyth™ Transmission Diffraction Gratings Also Available

- Designed for 330 Attosecond Pulses @ 65eV (19nm)
- Multilayer Coating with 38% Peak Reflectivity
- ≤1Å (Angstrom) Surface Roughness Superpolished Substrates
- EUV Flat Mirrors and EUV Spherical Mirrors Designed at 13.5nm Also Available
- No Minimum Order Quantities, No Coating Lot Charges
- Platinum-Level 2022 Laser Focus World (LFW) Innovators Award
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